Saturday, July 14, 2012

PhoneUsage Pro v1.20 Apk

PhoneUsage Pro v1.20 Apk

Requirements: Android 1.5 and Up
Overview: Monitor your phone call, text and data usage.

 Save money on your phone bill!

 Monitor your phone call, text and network data usage.

 â˜…★★★★ "Loads of similar apps on the market, but this one beats them hands down."

 â˜… Set limits on daily, weekly and monthly usage.
 â˜… Alerts when you break your usage limits.
 â˜… Widgets for calls, texts and data.
 â˜… See which apps are using the most data.
 â˜… See who you call the most.
 â˜… See usage per hour, day, week and month.

 Stay with in your limits and save money on your monthly bill.

 â˜… Set your monthly billing date
 â˜… Choose daily, weekly and monthly limits
 â˜… Get notified if you break your limits

 â˜… Net counter counts Edge/3G/GPRS mobile data.
 â˜… Pie chart of break down of data per app is available on android 2.2+ only and includes both wifi and mobile data.
 â˜… All other charts and figures exclude wifi.

 NOTE: (read the app help section)

 â˜… Data usage will NOT appear straight away!
 â˜… App does NOT continuously run in background!
 â˜… Choose update frequency in advanced settings

 â˜… Network access permission is for Admob ads.
 â˜… Nothing more! To remove the advert buy the Pro key.

 Similar to 3G Watchdog and Netcounter.

Download Instructions:
